Thursday, March 6, 2008

Revised and Correct Due Dates for Assignments

Dear Students,

I apologize for the mistakes made in the website. Here are the actual dates that your assignments are due. Please go by this list until I'm able to update the website.

Assignment 2: Audio Analysis of any game of your choice Due: March 26 (Right after Spring Break Week 9) I expect better papers with the extra time that you've been given. Really analyze the music and sound.

Presentation 2: Starts Week 10 April 2: Watch my next blog posting for dates for presentations.

Assignment 3: Voicework & Environment Due: April 16 Week 12

Proposal of Final Project: Due: April 23 Week 13

Final Project: Due: May 14


RobTom said...

Yeah um...Final Project DUE May 14th?

We don't even have class then?

Maybe it means Week 14 I guess?

What I'm concerned about is, do we have homework due today?

Elvwyr said...

Hi Tom,

We DO have class on May 14, it's exam week and since we don't have exams, the project is due on that day. As for your concern, there is NO homework due today so don't worry about it. See you in class soon.

Patrix said...

Assignment 2 Audio Analysis of a game

1. Voice Acting
2. Environment Sound
3. Menu Screens

1) Discuss entire game and 1 particular scene(game play)
2) Follow proper formatting

Presentation 2
1. Each student must present part of presentation for a grade
2. 1 paper per group
3. Hint: history of topic, key people involved